Run BLAST for a single sequence and return raw results.
For formatted results, use the function BLASTr::get_blastn_results()
num_alignments = 4,
num_threads = 1,
blast_type = "blastn",
perc_id = 80,
perc_qcov_hsp = 80,
verbose = FALSE,
env_name = "blast-env"
- asv
Vector of sequences to be BLASTed.
- db_path
Complete path do formatted BLAST database.
- num_alignments
Number of alignments to retrieve from BLAST. Max = 6.
- num_threads
Number of threads to run BLAST on. Passed on to BLAST+ argument
.- blast_type
One of the available BLAST+ search engines, #' one of:
c("blastn", "blastp", "blastx", "tblastn", "tblastx")
.- perc_id
Lowest identity percentage cutoff. Passed on to BLAST+
.- perc_qcov_hsp
Lowest query coverage per HSP percentage cutoff. Passed on to BLAST+
.- verbose
Should condathis::run() internal command be shown?
- env_name
The name of the conda environment with the parameter (i.e. "blast-env")
Unformatted BLAST results.
For results formatted as tibble, please use BLASTr::get_blast_results()