Installs the necessary command-line tools ('blast' and 'efetch') into conda environments if they are not already available. This ensures that all dependencies required by the package are present and up-to-date.
install_dependencies(verbose = "silent", force = FALSE)
- verbose
A character string specifying the verbosity level during environment creation. Options include "silent"
, "output"
, "full"
etc. Default is "silent"
- force
A logical value indicating whether to force the re-creation of the Conda environments even if they already exist. Default is FALSE
Invisibly returns TRUE
after attempting to install the dependencies.
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Install dependencies with default settings
# Install dependencies with verbose output
install_dependencies(verbose = "verbose")
# Force re-installation of dependencies
install_dependencies(force = TRUE)
} # }