Checks if a specified command-line tool ('blastn' or 'efetch') is available on the system. If not, it creates a conda environment and installs the required tool.
- cmd
Character string specifying the command-line tool to check for. Supported commands are
. Default is"blastn"
.- env_name
Character string specifying the name of the conda environment to create or use. Default is
.- verbose
Character string specifying the verbosity level during environment creation. Options are
, etc. Default is"silent"
.- force
Logical indicating whether to force the re-creation of the conda environment even if it exists. Default is
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Check if 'blastn' command is available, and install it if not
check_cmd("blastn", env_name = "blast-env")
# Check if 'efetch' command is available, and install it if not
check_cmd("efetch", env_name = "entrez-env")
# Force re-creation of the conda environment and re-install 'blastn'
check_cmd("blastn", env_name = "blast-env", force = TRUE)
} # }